• To swallow the red pill is to view women and gender relations from a position of insecurity and hostility – an ideological knee-jerk reaction.
  • The promise of the red pill in The Matrix is to see the world for what it is, stripped of the mirage. Similarly to swallow the online red pill is to apparently see the world for what it is.
  • As women continue their dominance in school and the workplace, men will begin to feel increasingly unworthy and will seek solutions to feel successful. We hate what we covet but can’t have.
  • To swallow the red pill is an example of poisoned agency but in their perspective at least they are doing better than the men who give up completely.
  • Before dismissing red pill culture completely, one has to first understand it and engage with the truths that lie at its core. There is such thing as sexual competition and there is hypocrisy in the dominant liberal view of what makes a good partner (height, status and wealth are still valued and always will be).
  • What purpose are the red pill narratives serving? What is compelling about them? What alternative narratives exist and do they actually make any sense?

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