Asians Exoticising Other Asians

  • To exoticise a culture is to add a layer of mystique and romanticisation to culture or people which is generated and perpetuated those doing the exoctising than the culture or person in question.
  • An example, is Japanophiles going crazy over even the most mundane things in Japan. It can turn into an unhealthy form of fascination.
  • This dehumanises the people that are being exoticised as they are perceived not as just how they are but how they are different to the person exoticising. A man may not date a Japanese woman because of who she is but rather because of the culture she comes from.
  • There is a common understanding of what a white person exoticising Asian culture looks like (think weebs, or old white men in Thailand) but asians are just as able to exoticise each other it just may not be as obvious on a first pass.

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