Breaches of Trust

  • There are varying degrees of breaches of trust and something that might be devastating for someone such as an affair might be surmountable for another, here it is all relative
  • What matters is the context surrounding the breach of trust e.g. if a marriage was on the rocks for decades and the people in it were already distanced an affair might be understandable to both parties to an extent however if the marriage was in a honeymoon phase and there were no outward signs of strain, an affair would be much more devastating; what was risked and what was lost is the question
  • Being betrayed by someone under extreme duress is a very different feeling than being betrayed for five bucks because that means the person values your bond at five bucks
  • Relevant quotes:
    “Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing.” ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment
    “All this, just for a drop of blood.” ― Thanos, Avengers: Infinity War

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